Economic zones as an institutional condition for food security

  • Valeriia A. Shichalina

    Sakhalin State University. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Russia


Abstract. Ensuring food security is currently accompanied by close attention from world political powers and the economic business community. The current agenda of maintaining access to food and stabilizing its security against the backdrop of general turbulence forces us to look for new creative solutions, both from the side of government control and taking into account the mutual benefit of participants in economic activities. Therefore, this article raises the issue of creating institutional conditions for the preservation and stable functioning of the goals of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation in aspect of Far Eastern regions. In our opinion, the solution to this issue is the formation of a current agenda of goals and geographical location of economic zones in the Far East as independent territorial-economic entities, incl. involvement of the border area, transport economic corridors as part of “Belt and road” China Project and increasing the importance of Russian logistics potential within this corridor. In particular, the strategic importance of the Primorsky Territory and the Sakhalin Region, located on the border of international borders, is substantiated. The potential significance of economic borders predetermines political decisions at the supranational level, which contribute to the distribution of goods and barter among participants in the world economy. However, these economic boundaries are not approved by international treaties; they exist within the framework of international economic zones. Thus, a new political paradigm is emerging, where a new model of economic border diplomacy is being built. In this case, Russian food security is en-
sured by logistics and investment accessibility, which solves the strategic objective of the Doctrine.
Keywords: economic borders, transport corridors, economic zoning, Investment Declaration, Far East, border space, Belt and road, food security.